Logo for Province of British Columbia CleanBC

B.C. Industrial Emissions Reporting System

Welcome to the B.C. Industrial Emissions Reporting System (BCIERS), a web application for industrial operators to participate in the B.C. Output-Based Pricing System (B.C. OBPS).

Operators who are eligible to participate in the B.C. OBPS will need to use this web application to start the registration process.

Before getting started, take a moment to review the detailed guidance.

BCIERS will enable operators to apply for a B.C. OBPS Regulated Operation ID (BORO ID) for each industrial operation that is eligible to participate in the B.C. OBPS. A BORO ID is needed to claim a carbon tax exemption under the Carbon Tax Act starting April 1, 2024.

How to apply for a B.C. OBPS Regulated Operation ID

  1. Log in as an industrial operator with your Business BCeID.
  2. Activate your industrial operator profile.
  3. Submit an application for each of your industrial operations.

Upon review, each eligible industrial operation will receive a BORO ID.

To check eligibility, and for further information about the B.C. OBPS, please visit the program website.

Please visit the carbon tax exemption webpage to learn more about claiming an exemption from the carbon tax.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email us at

Log in as Industrial Operator

Don’t have a Business BCeID?

Key Dates

March 5, 2024BCIERS opens
April 1, 2024BORO IDs issued and can be used to exempt fuel purchases

Log in as Government Employee